Stanley Mburu
Murang'a, Kenya
Mburu is the chief executive officer of Six Degrees Consultancy Group, an agile business development and training company that specializes in business advisory services, public education initiatives with the capital markets authority, and agribusiness initiatives in the poultry value chain. Before forming the company, Mburu led a pioneering team of young African leaders recruited from the Young African Leaders Initiative Regional Leadership Centre to pilot the 2jiajiri program at KCB Foundation and the Public Education Initiatives of the Capital Markets Authority. Mburu is a founding member of the Broiler World Cooperative Society Limited, an organization with 250 poultry farmers in central Kenya. Mburu actively oversees the strategy and development of Big Kuku, a poultry processor that contracts outgrowers from the cooperative to produce chicken for Nairobi’s wholesale and retail markets. After completing the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders, Mburu plans to use his new knowledge, skills, and network to further his goals of helping Kenyan youth.