David Miessler-Kubanek
Miessler-Kubanek (David MK) teaches entrepreneurship with Iowa JPEC domestically and abroad using the Lean Startup Methodology, customer discovery, and Design Thinking. He has assisted the Startup Incubator since 2015, helping to lead Idea Stage founders, Startup Games, Venture School, and the Undergraduate Incubator Summer Track. Beyond Iowa JPEC, Miessler-Kubanek teaches branding and marketing to Mandela Washington Fellows, business communication and protocol through the Frank Communication Center at Tippie School of Business, and design for graphic, web, and user experience at Kirkwood Community College. Miessler-Kubanek also serves as a counselor with Iowa SBDC at Kirkwood and is a serial entrepreneur. Before his educational and entrepreneurial interests, Miessler-Kubanek worked for the Cedar Rapids Gazette and founded DMK Creative, LLC, making creative work for small businesses and startups through design, marketing, instruction, and strategic consulting.