Global Business Innovators Internship

Gain first-hand knowledge of the global business environment. Network with international business professionals. Acquire and practice the skills of cross-cultural competency and communication and improve your global mindset. Recognize some of the contemporary macro business issues of globalization. Students can experience all of this and more by participating in this exciting opportunity.

Each student accepted to this program will be assigned to work as a virtual intern at an IIB-affiliated company, including businesses owned by Mandela Washington Fellowship Iowa Alumni. Upon being selected, students will be matched by IIB to the company based on overlapping interests in particular industrial sectors or business focus areas and will have the following responsibilities:

  • Provide the company with ongoing support in areas such as conducting and interpreting results of customer discovery, defining business models, developing a marketing plan, creating professional networks and social media profiles and plans, conducting market research, building financial models, designing HR procedures, etc.
  • Work as remote consultants to the chosen company on a particular project under the mentorship of the instructor.

Steps for student intern application

1. Complete the appropriate Internship Enrollment Request form (links below)

Requests for enrollment will be accepted until Friday, May 2, 2025. Enrollment requests received after that date will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the course instructor. Internships begin June 9 and end August 8.

2. Response to your request

You will receive a response from the IIB by May 2. The course instructor will match you with a company based on your application, and you will be informed of your host company by May 23.

  • If your request is approved, you will be given registration instructions for MyUI. You must enroll prior to the registration deadline for that academic term. For undergraduate students, this internship has its own section of BUS:3100(0EXV), so students need to register specifically for this experience.
  • If a decision cannot be reached based on the form responses or your responses raise concerns, you may be asked to provide additional details.
  • If your request is denied, you will receive an explanation and have the opportunity to make a new request if details of the internship change.

Note: Undergraduate students may also complete this experience by registering for ENTR:4900:0IND, which is a 3 credit-hour option, and tuition rates apply.

Iowa International Business Internship

The past decade has brought with it an incredible global interconnectedness and boundless opportunities for businesses that seek to expand their markets across international borders. To harness the opportunities being presented by entering global markets, Iowa companies must engage in a series of analysis to understand their mechanisms for strategic leverage.

The Iowa International Business Internship is an opportunity for University of Iowa students to gain experience in areas such as: international marketing outreach, global operations, international communications, international supply chain and international market analysis and research, and more.

Interns will interview directly with Iowa companies and be selected based on a matching of their interests with the specific needs of the company. Internship will be 8-10 weeks, ~20 hours per week, and will be compensated at $14.50/hour unless otherwise noted in the position description. These internships are eligible for Tippie RISE - follow the steps to register for BUS:3100:0EXW.

Position descriptions for the Iowa International Business Internship Summer 2025 can be found on Handshake. Interested students can apply for positions directly on Handshake.

Feel free to reach out to IIB Program Coordinator Jayne Meacham with any questions at