Dominica Tatiana Dougba
Abomey Calavi, Atlantique, Benin
Dougba holds an MSC in agriculture and has more than three years of experience in business development where she excels as a trainer and project manager. Dougba is employed at Management for Development Foundation in Benin, where she plays a pivotal role in overseeing the AFFORD Business Centre Benin project. Collaborating with her team, it supports more than 50 local small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) through capacity building, coaching, access to finance and market, and advocacy. These endeavors aim to empower SMEs to generate sustainable employment opportunities for youth and women.
Working within this field allows Dougba to contribute to their success by offering diverse assistance, guidance, strategic planning, or technological enhancements. Upon completing the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders, Dougba plans to use the knowledge, skills, and networks acquired to further support and mentor SMEs within her community.